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Eastern Michigan U. students want ‘Black Studies’ incorporated into every major

The latest nuttery from black student groups across American campuses comes from Eastern Michigan University where, among many other things, (black) students want “black studies” to be part of every major’s field of study.

EMU student Darius Simpson said at the Institutional Racism in Higher Education Forum that this is what African American students at the school “deserve as equals in society.”

No word yet from physics professors on how they plan to restructure their lessons and studies. Perhaps discuss how some quarks are “oppressed” by others in the sub-atomic realm …?

The Eastern Echo reports:

While getting the entire room involved, he [Simpson] said that this event was solely focusing on racism towards African Americans and spoke about the inequalities in educational and academic options as well as what lacks in women’s health when it comes to the black community.

He gave an entire list of demands to the room but targeted it at the school as a whole. He made it very clear the demands were not going to be changed in any way because it would compromise the effects of them.

— We demand that the amount of black faculty should match the amount of black students. Excluding all faculty in the Africology department. Meaning the ratio needs to match without including the black faculty in that department.

— We demand all students should take a general education race, ethnicity, and racism course.

— We demand a black resource center under the umbrella of the Center for Multicultural Affairs.

— We demand Annual cultural competency for all faculty and staff including DPS.

The grammar and sentence fragments aside, other ultimatums include needed provisions for a separate Black Homecoming, a PhD and masters program for Africology and African American Studies, and “black financial advisors whose sole purpose is to find and distribute scholarships and financial aid to and for black students specifically.”

Read the full article.

h/t to Gary Fouse.

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.