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‘America Is Already Great’ hats offend UNC student newspaper editors

When 2015’s Democratic Party catches hell from coddled college students, you know something’s amiss.

An uncredited “Quick Hits” column in the University of North Carolina’s Daily Tar Heel not only mocked “Gov. F*ckboy” (Republican Pat McCrory) and “pro-Confederate people” (undefined), but also the party of Clinton and Obama:

The Democratic Party has been selling “America is Already Great” merchandise on it’s website, based off Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” hat. This is problematic because it implies that over two centuries of systemic racism and imperialism are “great.” Come on Dems, you’re supposedly liberal.

The merch was spotted earlier this month by Time political reporter Zeke Miller, and the Tar Heel‘s reaction by Mediaite‘s Alex Griswold today.

Uncredited newspaper columns typically mean the entire editorial board signed off on them.

The editors, then, have the dubious distinction of both using juvenile language against a sitting governor and stating that America can never be great because of its history with race relations and war.

Read the column.

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IMAGE: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

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