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Obamacare strikes again: Missouri grad students lose health insurance subsidies

Remember how the Affordable Care Act was supposed to be so great for everyone? Yeah, it still sucks.

The feds view grad students as “employees” and thus they are subject to the rules and regulations of Obamacare. With that, a bunch of University of Missouri grad students have lost their health insurance subsidies.

KOMU reports “MU said it can no longer pay for graduate students’ health insurance because of changes in federal health care policy under the Affordable Health Care Act.”

“MU said the IRS considers graduate students as employees of the university rather than students because they provide research and teaching assistance. The Affordable Care Act prohibits employers from giving employees money specifically to buy insurance under the individual market.”

“If the university does not comply with ACA standards, it could be fined $100 per day per student by the IRS,” KOMU pointed out.

As The College Fix has previously reported, Obamacare is no boon to young people or campus life: “Those who have seen their paychecks shrink as a result of the Affordable Care Act include students who work on campus at restaurants, bookstores or gyms, teaching assistants, Residence Advisers, officer workers, student journalists, and a variety of other workers, such as part-time maintenance crews and groundskeepers. Educators’ work hours have also been cut due to the mandate, including part-time instructors and adjunct professors.”

RELATED: Obamacare Makes Me A Part-Time Campus Worker In Name Only

And this is not the first time Missouri young people specifically have been screwed by the Affordable Care Act (a misnomer if ever there was one): Obamacare hiked insurance rates by 411 percent for Missouri’s male millennials, it was reported last year.

That followed a report which found the Obamacare mandate could force many grad students into poverty.

The bottom line is this program was billed as a way to make health insurance more affordable for young adults, and it has done just the opposite. Young people continue to lose work and health benefits over it, and their premiums are exponentially higher now. It’s a national nightmare.

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IMAGE: Generation Opportunity

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.