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‘Whiteness is terror’ prof hired at Rhodes College

Dr. Zandria Robinson, the now-former University of Memphis professor whose recent incendiary Twitter comments about white people were brought to light by the site SoCawlege, has accepted a position at Rhodes College.

She had taught there previously in 2008-2009.

She tweeted yesterday that she was not fired from Memphis.

Pleasantly surprisingly, Rhodes issued a statement saying, in part, “Dr. Zandria Robinson’s comments are sometimes provocative, controversial, and debatable.”

But does anyone think if there was a race-reversal here that the college’s statement would have been as … rational?

WREG Channel 3 in Memphis has Rhodes’ statement:

As a leading scholar and author in the areas of race, class, gender, culture, and the South, Dr. Zandria Robinson’s comments are sometimes provocative, controversial, and debatable.

Dr. Robinson was hired for a faculty position in the Rhodes Anthropology & Sociology Department that calls for expertise in particular areas, specifically gender studies and social movements. Her expertise in these areas, her extensive understanding of the complex problems of race in American society, her deep roots in the Memphis area, and many years of successful teaching experience, made her an attractive candidate for the position.

When Dr. Robinson was previously at Rhodes during the 2008-2009 academic year, she was well received by students who appreciated her ability to challenge them to think about society with fresh eyes. Throughout her academic career, she has consistently demonstrated a commitment to mentor all students.

Dr. Robinson has an extensive and impressive body of scholarship that provides clarity and context to the sound bite world of social media. This situation ultimately shines a light on Rhodes as a place where intellectual engagement and the exchange of ideas are among our highest priorities.

Aside from tweeting that “Whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror,” Robinson added (among other “pleasantries”) that she was waiting for “thinkpieces about how more mental health services could prevent white people from acting how they’re conditioned to act.”

Read the full WREG piece.

h/t to Conservative Memes.

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.