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Protesters likely at Rick Santorum GWU speech Monday, YAF club says

The George Washington University chapter of Young America’s Foundation is predicting protests at its Monday event hosting Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator and past (and possibly future) presidential candidate.

The group notes in its press release that it was accused of being a “hate group” for objecting to “mandatory LGBT sensitivity training,” and its school funding has been targeted as a result.

Inviting Santorum to speak “underscores their intolerance and pattern of hate,” according to unnamed “classmates,” YAF said.

Santorum will address YAF’s stance on sensitivity training, among other subjects, the press release says.

YAF announced a sort of bury-the-hatchet agreement with one of its antagonists, Allied in Pride, on Monday, blaming “the media” for inaccurately reporting who must take the sensitivity training and what exactly it will encompass.




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About the Author
Associate Editor
Greg Piper served as associate editor of The College Fix from 2014 to 2021.