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Class Promises to ‘Heal’ Teachers of Racism

Via Fox News:

The Milwaukee Teacher’s Education Association is promoting a series of workshops to help heal teacher’s infected with racism…

“We have all been assigned a race by America’s pervasive socialization process,” read a flyer promoting the workshop. “This racial conditioning permeates the fabric of our inter-personal and inter-group relations, taking little account of laws and statutes, and reaching deep into the hearts and minds of individuals.”

But critics of the class said it smacks of blame and victimization.

“Here we go again,” said Kyle Olson, founder of EAG, a non-partisan group that promotes sensible education reform. “Here’s another example of education activists seeking to implement their personal political agenda on others.”

Have you been “assigned a race” yet? Hmmm. We missed that event here at The College Fix.
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