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Pitt tuition hike for 2011-2012 still unclear

Pitt’s tuition rate will go up this year — how much, though, is still undecided.

The tuition increases for in-state students, the majority of students at Pitt, depend on one of three proposed funding cuts floated by the two legislative branches and the governor.

Pitt’s Board of Trustees will meet on Friday to pass a budget for the 2011-12 school year that normally includes the price of tuition. Pitt’s budget will not be definite, however, because the state legislature has not passed its budget yet. The state has a constitutionally-mandated

June 30 deadline for its budget, but that doesn’t mean a decision is guaranteed, as the state has frequently breezed past the date in the past 10 years.

The board might wait to pass a budget — and raise tuition — until the state passes its budget, although it does not always do so. In 2009, the board increased tuition in July, but with a condition; tuition might go up more if Pitt received less in state or federal stimulus funding than the University counted on.

Read the full story at the Pitt News.

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