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Penn State tuition highest in nation for in-state students

Since March, Penn State’s rising tuition and budget cuts have been a concern for students, parents and officials. And then, US News reported earlier this month that Penn State has the highest tuition in the nation for in-state public school students.

According to the US News report, tuition for the 2010-2011 academic year on average for in-state Penn State students was $15,250.

Penn State spokeswoman Annemarie Mountz said the “highest in-state tuition in the nation” title is a concern for Penn State officials.

“We want to make higher education accessible to everyone who wants to come here,” Mountz said.

Mountz said the main revenue sources for Penn State’s general funds are from tuition and state appropriations.

But in light of recent appropriation cuts, Mountz said Penn State does not intend raise tuition rates at an unreasonable rate.

Read the full story at the Penn State Daily Collegian.


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