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Palin talks God and good neighbors at anti-drug event

Before former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin took to the stage Sunday in Missoula, Jacqueline Strothoff spoke of break-ups, rejection and drug use.

Strothoff shared stories of her dysfunctional childhood when, as a teenage heroin addict, she carried twins who didn’t make it to see the world because she was so badly beaten.

When her brother came to check on her one day, she said she pressured him into using heroin. The second he shot up, he began to convulse and died in her arms instantly.

Strothoff’s story sent an emotional wave through the 1,600 people who attended the Teen Challenge Montana fundraiser at the Hilton Garden Inn. The fundraiser was for the Montana Women’s Outreach, Teen Challenge “Raising the Roof” campaign.

[…] Palin spoke at the event in hopes of helping the group raise $450,000 to install a commercial kitchen and dining area at the Montana Women’s Outreach facility in Missoula. The 12-to-18 month Christian recovery program houses up to 20 women to help them get clean, find hope and better their lives.

Palin said the reason that Teen Challenge works is because it’s a Christian-based program and they don’t take government money. The program is funded purely by donation and fundraising.

“Government can’t fix the problem,” Palin said. “Government is the problem. Government can’t dry a tear or lend a shoulder or put a family back together.”

Read the full story at the Montana Kaimin.

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