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Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Opinion Fresno State donations in jeopardy after prof’s hate-filled Barbara Bush rants
But don't worry -- a 'Trump must hang'-tweeting colleague is in the prof's corner!
Legal Opinion Second Amendment Progressives’ contemporary cognitive dissonance on the Second Amendment
The gloves are off: They're demanding a repeal.
Free Speech K-12 Education Legal Alarmed by torrent of censorship imposed by administrators? Support student journalists
What Syrian citizen journalists and American student journalists have in common.
Jonathan Haidt was "already a prominent scholar and best-selling author" when the New York University social psychologist decided to take on the real but rarely discussed problem of ideological homogeneity in the academy.
Activism ‘Dilbert’ creator, a Berkeley alum, yanks support: ‘I wouldn’t feel safe or welcome on the campus’
Scott Adams: 'I'm ending my financial and other support.'