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Oregon court overturns universities’ guns ban

The Oregon Court of Appeals threw out a 20-year statute that banned fire arms from college campuses in the state. The ruling argues the state does not have the authority to enact such a law.

The Oregon University System is not thrilled. In a statement, the OUS chancellor George Pernsteiner said:

“We are disappointed in the ruling of the Court in this case and will consider our options. Our greatest concern is for the safety of our students and the entire campus community. Whether accidental or intentional, firearms violence continues to hurt or kill thousands of Americans each year in this country. We will continue to review the opinion in order to consider future options to protect the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors.”

Concealed carry generally doesn’t exist on college campuses; 24 states ban it outright, 14 “right-to-carry” states have laws that designate the university to set its own rules. Oregon is a right-to-carry state. Utah is the only state that stipulates public campuses must permit concealed carry.

[Inside Higher Ed]

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