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Notre Dame trustee quits over abortion-rights donations

A Chicago business executive resigned today from the University of Notre Dame‘s board of trustees, after a conservative Roman Catholic watchdog group reported that she donated thousands of dollars to an organization that supports “pro-choice Democratic women.”

Roxanne Martino, a 1977 Notre Dame graduate and president and chief executive officer of Aurora Investment Management, a Chicago firm that manages more than $8 billion in funds of hedge funds, said she stepped down less than two months after her appointment in “the best interest of the university.”

“I dearly love my alma mater and remain fully committed to all aspects of Catholic teaching and to the mission of Notre Dame,” Martino said in a statement released by the university. “I had looked forward to contributing in this new role, but the current controversy just doesn’t allow me to be effective.”

The controversy erupted last month when the Cardinal Newman Society, an organization that monitors the Catholic identity of the nation’s Catholic colleges and universities, reported that Martino had given more than $25,000 to Emily’s List, a campaign committed to electing women who support abortion rights.

Read the full story at the Chicago Tribune.

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