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No guns for University of Wisconsin employees

University of Wisconsin professors won’t be carrying guns anytime soon.

Last night, the faculty senate in Madison, Wisc. unanimously blocked concealed carry for all university employees, except with explicit permission. University police will still be able to carry firearms; the UWPD police chief will be one of the people able to grant exceptions.

“We do not allow [concealed carry] in our buildings period,” Provost Paul DeLuca told the Badger Herald.

Wisconsin became one of the growing number of states removing their bans on concealed carry this summer when Gov. Scott Walker signed into law concealed carry legislation. No broad policy has been set down in the state on whether concealed carry extends to colleges, but campuses are looking to block it.

Last week, the Oregon Supreme Court overturned the state’s ban on campus concealed carry.

[Badger Herald]

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