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Nine arrested at Ohio State in food worker protest

What started as a peaceful rally to pressure Ohio State to end its contract with Sodexo Inc., ended with nine protesters being taken away from President E. Gordon Gee’s office in handcuffs.

Nine people were arrested and charged with criminal trespassing and one man was also charged with resisting arrest during a protest when the group refused to leave the lobby just outside Gee’s office on Monday afternoon.

About 100 people gathered for the rally just after 2 p.m. between Sullivant Hall and the Wexner Center for the Arts. The crowd held banners, chanted, banged drums and used homemade noisemakers to raise awareness about alleged workers’ rights abuses by OSU contractor Sodexo.

The student group United Students Against Sweatshops organized the rally to protest OSU’s contract with Sodexo Inc., an international food and facilities management company. […]

About 40 of the protesters entered Bricker and staged a sit-in outside of Gee’s office. The group shouted and banged on drums and buckets in an effort to bring Gee out of his office to discuss the contract. Two OSU police officers blocked the entrance.

Gee never emerged.

Read the full story at the Lantern.


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