If you think about it, some of the hottest political controversies of our time center around the energy problem -- from Obama's corrupt loans to the failed Solyndra enterprise, to the disastrous Deepwater Horizons oil spill. Politicians stand to lose a lot when their energy bets go bad. That holds true whether the mantra is "Kumbaya, and let's go hug a tree" or "Drill, baby, drill."...More
Whenever the government increases financial aid, universities simply "cream off the extra money by raising tuition." Students aren't helped at all. That's the theory then-Secretary of Education Bill Bennett espoused in 1987. The regnant phrase was "Don't leave money sitting on the table." The metaphoric table in question was the one on which the government had laid out a sumptuous banquet of increases of financial aid... More
The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it will review a lawsuit against the affirmative action policies of the University of Texas at Austin.
The boys in blue were on the lookout for terrorists in Muslim student associations at Yale, Columbia, Penn, and other area universities: According to an internal memo obtained by AP reporters—one of the NYPD’s “Weekly MSA Reports”—NYPD Cyber-Intelligence officers conducted a “daily routine” inspection of various MSA blogs and forums and recorded which students were advertising educational conferences, among other terrorism-related activities.