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News Flash: National Organization for Women Hates Laura Bush

When the Sewall-Belmont house–a museum dedicated to advancing women–decided to give its highest honor this year to former first lady Laura Bush, not everyone was happy about it.

Twenty-two women, including former members of the museum’s board, have penned a letter to the museum in protest of Bush’s selection for the Alice Award, as first reported by the Washington Post. Sonia Pressman Fuentes, co-founder of the National Organization for Women, led the charge.

“When I read that the award was going to be given to Laura Bush, I felt as if I’d had a sudden onset of Alzheimer’s,” she told Yeas & Nays. “I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

It’s not Bush’s political affiliation that she objects to, Fuentes insists. “It’s not partisan,” she said. “I’m not complaining that she’s a Republican. I’m complaining that she’s never done anything for women to get this award.”

Fuentes adds that she wouldn’t give President Obama or the first lady an award either. “Both he and his wife have disappointed me in terms of women’s rights,” she said.

“Here you have a woman who was a brilliant attorney,” Fuentes said of Michelle Obama. “She’s just published a book about how to garden.”

It must be amazing to walk in Fuentes’s shoes. Just imagine what it’s like to be the sole arbiter of all that qualifies as pro-woman in this world. Nay, to be the living, walking, breathing conscience of Womankind. Such a heavy burden to bear.

And that Michelle Obama–gee–she has some nerve growing a garden. I’m sure Cleopatra, Susan B. Anthony, Elanor Roosevelt, or Amelia Earhart would never have been caught dead holding a trowel and a watering can.

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