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NCAA Spares Penn State “Death Penalty”

The NCAA stopped short of banning Penn State outright from competing in football, but instead leveled a series of penalties designed to punish the university for its failure to protect children from sexual abuse at the hands of former coach Jerry Sandusky.

Penn State will be fined $60 million. Fourteen years worth of victories under former head coach Joe Paterno will be wiped off the books. The university will be banned from post-season play for four years, and will lose 20 football scholarships per year for the next four years.

“The corrective and punitive measures the executive committee and the Division I board of directors have authorized should serve as a stark wake-up call to everyone in college sports,” said Ed Ray, chairman of the NCAA’s executive committee.

Penn State President Rodney Erickson said in a written statement that the university has accepted the NCAA decision and will not appeal.

“It is important to know we are entering a new chapter at Penn State and making necessary changes,” he said. “We must create a culture in which people are not afraid to speak up, management is not compartmentalized, all are expected to demonstrate the highest ethical standards, and the operating philosophy is open, collegial, and collaborative.”

Read the full story here.

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