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National SJP wants ‘extra credit’ for attending ‘Palestine solidarity’ events

Suggests professors let students organize pro-Palestinian events for a final assignment

Professors should not simply respect the views of their pro-Palestinian students, but rather incorporate them into course work, according to National Students for Justice in Palestine.

The group offered “advice” on X (formerly Twitter) for professors to begin the new semester.

The suggestions include: “consider giving out extra credit to students who attend talks on Palestine solidarity and other anti-imperialist events on campus,” “establish an independent study elective so that student organizers can receive academic credit for their work,” and joining or starting a Faculty for Justice in Palestine chapter.

Professors should also “get creative about your assignments! what if, instead of writing a final paper, students had the option of organizing an event for SJP related to the course material,” the group suggested.

Academics, according to National SJP, should also “offer support to students who are facing disciplinary charges and provide guidance throughout the process.”

Some were not interested in the idea.

“Advice for professors as the new semester approaches: Don’t give student activists special treatment,” National Association of Scholars’ researcher Neetu Arnold wrote on X.

“I’ll pass” University of North Carolina Professor Jon Williams wrote. “Faculty should not assign grades based on whether a student conforms with an ideology, particularly one that advocates for violence and vandalism.”

The start of the school year has brought renewed attention to pro-Palestinian protests and encampments that have occurred on many college campuses since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023.

In response, some universities have banned encampments, amplified noise, and masks, as recently reported by The College Fix.

“Anti-Israel protesters recently converged alongside Baruch College in New York City, hoisting a large banner that stated ‘Bring the war home’ with an AK-47 painted above it,” The Fix recently reported.

The college told NY Jewish Week, part of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, it was “appalled” by the language used at the protest.

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IMAGE: Vic Hinterlang/Shutterstock

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Matt has previously worked at Students for Life of America, Students for Life Action and Turning Point USA. While in college, he wrote for The College Fix as well as his college newspaper, The Loyola Phoenix. He previously interned for government watchdog group Open the Books. He holds a B.A. from Loyola University-Chicago and an M.A. from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. He lives in northwest Indiana with his family.