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My Sleazy Textbook: sexual agenda pollutes sociology class

These days, colleges across the country are teaching low-minded sexual sleaze, and calling it higher education. As a student, I’ve experienced this kind of “education” first-hand.

Recently, I watched a television interview about the controversial Sex Week at Yale University. The stories of porn and moral corruption in the classroom felt all too familiar. At the University of Colorado – Denver, I’ve been exposed to similar smut. Only mine was not one of volunteer participation.

My college had taken it to a whole new level. CU Denver offers a sociology class you might as well call “Pornography 101.” The class made me feel as if I were drowning in a mandatory muck of debauchery.

Through a computer snafu, I was dropped from classes that I originally wanted to take for my Sociology major, and ending up stuck with classes that were still open. The class in question was called Sociology of Human Sexuality. The title should have been the first clue. But encased in University setting in a department that prides itself in empirical research, I just didn’t pick up on it.

Our textbook for the class is a title called “Constructing Sexualities,” by Suzanne LaFont. The very first part of the very first sentence on the first page of the very first chapter of the textbook went something like this: “The vibrator, one of the first electrical appliances, was developed in the 1880’s ….”

That was my very first inkling I was in trouble.

As the course went on, the content got worse. The textbook began questioning if people had true gender identities (p. 223- 226); equated our sex lives to that of animals with erotic descriptions of mounting techniques (p. 41-65); postulated children having sex naturally as young as five years old in ethnographies that border on kiddie-porn (p. 72-81); and proposed thought on external homosexual relationships within a marriage setting (p. 96-102).

The half has not been told.  Not only did I feel as if I were reading mandatory, erotic pornography at times, but also that I had to study it thoroughly, internalizing the content in order to write a paper or take a test upon the subject matter.

Call me old fashioned. Call me intolerant. But my experience in college this semester felt like a dirty, grimy secret…one that was slowly pulling me down, suffocating me in this dark, immoral ooze. I decided I could not, in good conscience, stay quiet about it. I had to speak up.

Rather than offering students an intelligent, empirical study of human sexuality, my class seemed designed to indoctrinate students—endorsing politically correct ideas about gender, tearing down traditional morals, and giving a stamp of approval to harmful sexual behavior.

If academic leaders continually insist that we change and think in such subhuman terms, then I must insist that we fight back. After all, exposing a college’s dirty little secret is the only thing that will bring it into the light, and force colleges to stop offering “Pornography 101” in the classroom.

The problem with these types of academically enforced sexual agendas is that they can confuse and damage unsuspecting young people. The rightful charge of an academic institution is to watch over young students, not sanction their degradation.

Fix contributor Susannah Williams is a student at The University of Colorado – Denver.

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