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More than half of Jesuit Catholic universities promote ‘Pride Month’

ANALYSIS: The Catholic Church clearly opposes homosexual activity, but that has not stopped some Jesuit universities from backing ‘Pride Month’

A majority of Jesuit Catholic universities promoted LGBT “Pride Month” this June, according to a College Fix analysis.

In total, 15 of the 27 American Jesuit universities posted on their main X, Instagram, and/or Facebook pages. The analysis does not include universities who may have hosted LGBT events but not posted on their main accounts.

However, the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual activity is “contrary to the natural law,” and that marriage is between one man and one woman.

The colleges showing their support for the homosexual and transgender agenda are: Canisius University, College of the Holy Cross, Creighton University, Georgetown University, Gonzaga University, Le Moyne College, Loyola University Chicago, Loyola University New Orleans, Rockhurst University, Saint Louis University, Seattle University, the University of San Francisco, and Xavier University.

Fordham University, reposted a campus ministry Twitter post on its main Twitter account and Santa Clara University in California made the list of 15 schools by changing the background of its logo on Twitter.

Boston College, while not posting in support of Pride Month on its main social media accounts, did post on its Twitter X alumni page.

The Fix reached out via email to Fordham and Georgetown on June 10 and 12 for comment, and called both schools on June 13.

The Fix asked the universities what they meant by the posts, if their Pride Month posts reflect the official stance of the university, and if the school’s view is that homosexual conduct or having transgender surgeries is not a serious sin.

The Fix also asked what the university would base this stance on if so, considering Catholic teaching.

Neither school replied to the emails or phone call.

The Fix also asked the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities for comment via emails on June 10 and June 12. as well as a phone call on June 13. The Fix asked if the association had comments on the promotion of Pride Month by their universities and if there was concern that it might confuse Catholics.

Several Catholic leaders criticized the universities.

A fellow at a conservative think tank in Washington D.C. said the Jesuit universities promoting Pride Month are “irrelevant” and betraying their Catholic faith.

“Jesuit Universities that support homosexual conduct are proclaiming that the teachings of the Catholic Church are irrelevant and need not be taken seriously,” Nathanael Blake, a postdoctoral fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, told The Fix via email.

“These universities want to fit in with the world, and are shedding what is left of their Catholic identity to do so, thereby abandoning their mission of forming students through a Christian education,” Blake said.

He said further that “by pursuing worldly ambitions at the expense of faith, [Jesuit universities] will, despite all their rhetoric about social justice, only make the world worse.”

Tradition, Family, and Property, which advocates for authentic Catholic teaching, also criticized the Jesuit universities.

“Jesuit universities that favor homosexual sin lead souls away from God,” Student Action Director John Ritchie told The Fix via a social media message. “Celebrating the sin of pride offends the Sacred Heart of Jesus, destroys Catholic education, and undermines basic moral values.”

“Since June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is with great sorrow that we see the sin of pride… Sin disguised as diversity,” Ritchie said.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion is practiced by Catholics in June. The devotion has been practiced for hundreds of years.

Ritchie said that “…legitimate diversity does not include the explicit or implicit acceptance of sin or error, much less the grave sin of homosexuality.”

“Catholic universities offend God when they allow pro-homosexual events, speakers, or groups on campus that encourage students to welcome sinful behavior,” Ritchie said.

Ritchie reminded Catholics that Church teaching does not change based on the times. He also questioned if St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, would recognize the universities started by his order.

“Would Saint Ignatius recognize the woke Jesuit universities of today? I don’t think so,” Ritchie said.

“We should pray for the restoration of higher education, continue the good fight, and proclaim the teaching of the Catholic Church as it has always been for 2,000 years. The Church never conforms to the world.”

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IMAGES: Creighton University/X; Loyola University Chicago/X

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About the Author
College Fix contributor Eleanor Blair is a student at Franciscan University of Steubenville studying Humanities and Catholic Culture.