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More conservative groups join legal battle against Biden’s ‘radical’ Title IX rewrite

Several conservative groups recently joined the campaign to denounce and beat back the Biden administration’s recent Title IX revision adding gender identity to the decades-old law.

Moms for Liberty and Young America’s Foundation are two groups entering the fray, arguing in interviews with The College Fix the rewrite is a “radical” attack on girls and women.

Their efforts complement another lawsuit filed by the Independent Women’s Forum, Parents Defending Education, Speech First, and several states.

“This is YAF’s way to fight against a radical change in the law that would punish students for expressing basic truths about gender,” YAF spokesman Michael McGonigle told The College Fix via email.

“The Biden administration’s Title IX rules blatantly violate the First Amendment. We are confident in the court’s ability to uphold the Constitution against the government’s attempt to cram radical, trendy gender ideology down the throats of every student on campus.”

The Biden administration announced in April that Title IX now includes allowing female-identifying men into women’s locker rooms and bathrooms and requires others to address them with their preferred pronouns.

The lawsuits argue Biden’s Education Department lacked the authority to rewrite the 52-year-old federal law to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

As The College Fix previously reported, while the Biden administration argued the rewrite does not make a final determination on transgender athletes, the 1,577-page rule mentions “athletics” 31 times, “sports” 10 times and “team” 111 times. The rule takes effect Aug. 1.

The Department of Education’s media affairs division declined to comment to The College Fix about the lawsuits and criticisms it’s faced over the last two months.

Mountain States Legal Foundation and Southeastern Legal Foundation represent YAF and Moms for Liberty and several states in their lawsuit. The firms filed a preliminary injunction seeking to pause the new interpretation while the legal complaints are adjudicated.

The states and organizations argue the new Title IX interpretation was illegally completed without congressional authority and that it violates students’ First Amendment rights “because it will compel them to affirm other students’ so-called ‘gender identity’ and discriminates against opposing views,” according to the legal foundations.

“The Department of Education’s drastic Title IX re-write guts parental rights, forces our children to affirm the idea that kids can change their gender, and threatens punishment if they dare speak up for their physical safety in a bathroom or locker room. We are proud to stand with Moms for Liberty as we fight to stop these blatant First Amendment violations,” an attorney for Moms for Liberty, Southeastern Legal Foundation’s Kimberly Hermann, stated in a news release.

As the lawsuits wind their way through the courts, McGonigle said YAF will use its massive platform on social media to share stories of young women hurt by biological men in women’s sports.

An Our Bodies, Our Sports coalition also recently kicked off a nationwide tour to sound the alarm over the new Title IX regulations.

MORE: ‘Deeply regressive’: Riley Gaines slams Biden’s Title IX rules at pro-women sports rally

IMAGE: YouTube screenshot

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About the Author
College Fix contributor Ellie Cameron is a student at Clarendon College where she is pursuing a degree in agricultural communications and competes on the livestock judging team. She is also vice-president for her campus’s Turning Point USA chapter and Student Government Association Treasurer.