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Maryland Governor Backs Online Learning

The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley, is calling for increased implementation of online learning in the state’s educational system. In a press release, the Maryland Public Policy Initiative, which has conducted studies on the effectiveness of online learning, commended the governor’s actions:

“With Governor O’Malley’s support, Maryland can transform itself from a laggard to a leader in online learning,” said Christopher B. Summers, president of the Maryland Public Policy Institute. “Our research shows that web-based learning environments expand student access to quality education and offer students coursework tailored to their needs.  We urge Maryland policy makers to explore how best to responsibly integrate technology into our elementary, secondary, and higher education systems to best prepare our students for the 21st century economy.”

Since 2010, the Institute has produced research on the benefits of online learning.  The research indicates that online learning environments can offer students customized educational experiences, meet a wide spectrum of learning needs, ensure access to course content not available in a child’s assigned school, and require less spending per-pupil than in traditional public schools.  This research can be viewed at mdpolicy.org.

An increasing number of the nation’s policy experts and commentators are urging the adoption of online solutions to reduce cost and increase access and effectiveness in education.

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