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Local juveniles act racist … so Mizzou black student group makes demands of university

‘We are tired of having to be subjected to ignorant and close-minded white people  …’

A University of Missouri investigation determined that a pair of juvenile locals are responsible for recent racist activity around campus, but that didn’t stop a campus black organization from making demands of school officials.

Mizzou spokesperson Travis Zimpfer noted on Oct. 16 it was determined that two individuals who allegedly directed “abhorrent” racial slurs at several black students earlier in the month were “neither were students [n]or employees,” The Kansas City Star reports.

Zimpfer said “Both drivers, who are juveniles, have been trespassed from campus, meaning that they cannot be on university property without advance permission, such as might be given for medical appointments.”

Even though the culprits are (colloquially known as) townies, the Mizzou Legion of Black Collegians issued several demands as two of the victims are members of its organization.

The LBC claimed the pair were called the n-word by “a pickup truck full of white men,” and that such incidents are “nowhere near unique” at Mizzou — they’ve occurred “several times over the course of decades.”

The LBC demanded Mizzou

— “escalate” these particular instances to “formal complaint” status so the victims get “rights and options”

— establish “extensive consequences” for this sort of incident up to and including expulsion, suspension, and other sanctions

— “maintain usage” of campus cameras to “monitor” racist behavior [the university specifically noted cameras installed four years ago led to the identification of the suspects]

— put forth a statement about the conclusion of its investigation which includes a condemnation of present and past racist behavior, and ways “students, faculty, and staff” can stop such behavior from “reoccurring.”

The group declared Mizzou has 30 days by which to “effectively and efficiently put an end” to such behavior on campus.

“We are tired of having to be subjected to ignorant and close-minded white people who have nothing better to do than to find enjoyment out of the hurt and suffering of black people,” the LBC message states. “We will no longer stand idly by while bright and hard-working students are reduced down to mere zoo animals by randoms on campus.”

In 2016 members of the LBC called a fraternity “fucking crackers,” “fucking rednecks,” and threatened to burn down its house after a racial spat had escalated in front of the frat’s residence.

This past summer the LBC reportedly was “heartbroken” that Mizzou made it change the name of its annual barbecue from “Welcome Black BBQ” to “Welcome Black and Gold BBQ” — in order to be more “welcoming to all.”

MORE: Mizzou–which spawned modern campus racial protests–to close its DEI office

IMAGE: minusequalsplus/Flickr.com

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.