Even by the standards of the average university “sex week,” the University of Washington’s Sextravaganza next week is outlandish.
The Daily reports that transgender activist and TV star Laverne Cox is speaking, which is no surprise. Here’s a summary of some other events:
- Kinky Sex Day: a discussion of toys and “more adventurous sexuality,” BDSM and “the myths associated with” 50 Shades of Grey, and “the rules (or lack thereof) in polyamorous relationships”
- Greek leaders “will discuss ways [the group] continues to address sexual assault and its effects on the UW campus community”
- “Know Your Rights Day” with the Counseling Center and a local Title IX coordinator
- “State of the Uterus” with NARAL Pro-Choice Washington
Wait, what? State of the Uterus “will focus on the original purpose and current application of Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision on abortion.”
So… training students to become abortion activists is “sex-positive” now?
Outside of the panel series, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington advocates are sponsoring a feminist training Saturday. The event will be an on-campus seminar on empowering individuals to engage in activism on a more professional level.
Though not an official part of Sextravaganza, Smith said it aligned with the larger message.
“Part of creating a sex-positive culture is advocating for one,” Smith said.
In case you were wondering, Sextravaganza is organized by “a student outreach team” in the school’s Health and Wellness Office “in collaboration with” an abortion-rights group on campus.
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