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'Law & Order: SVU' episode based on Duke sex powerpoint airs

After a raunchy PowerPoint detailing the sexual encounters of a Duke alumna went viral, some sympathetic Dukies found themselves asking a rhetorical question: Could it get any worse?

Only in the world of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, apparently.

The PowerPoint, originally created by Karen Owen, Trinity ’10, was posted all over the web within days after she e-mailed it to her close friends. Now, two months after the presentation surfaced, Hollywood has picked up the story.

In an episode of the show that aired Wednesday night, a young ad mogul named Caitlin winds up dead after a PowerPoint she created ranking the penis sizes of her office conquests—titled “My Lay List: A Scholarly Treatise On Office Relationships”—goes viral.

As the investigation into the victim’s death proceeds, detective Olivia Benson rehashes the debate that raged on the blogosphere: “Cutting edge technology but the same ol’ double standard. Guys who sleep around are studs, girls are sluts.”

The episode mirrored the details of the real-life scandal so well—just two more men were ranked in a document that was 10 pages shorter than Owen’s presentation—that one blog satirically quipped: “Is Karen Owen in danger?”

Read the full story at the Duke Chronicle.

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