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Judge tosses out lawsuit against Duke U. by student who refused to take LSAT

Remember Edward Thomas Kennedy, the student who refused to take the Law School Admittance Test because he deems it “junk science” … and then sued Duke University after being denied admittance to its law school?

Well, his case now has been heard, and it’s not good — for him: Judge Richard Andrews of the U.S. District Court of Delaware dismissed the lawsuit in late November.

According to The Chronicle, Andrews pointed to Kennedy’s “failure to state a federal claim” and noted “there was no factual basis to believe that Kennedy could amend the suit to make a federal claim.”

However, Kennedy wasn’t entirely done with his foolishness; following Andrews’ dismissal of his suit, he filed a motion to get the judge to recuse himself. Andrews’ impartiality was suspect, you see, due to having been appointed by Barack Obama, and  our last president allegedly was born in Africa, not the United States.

From the story:

Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations at Duke, called the case a “frivolous nuisance suit” in an email to The Chronicle. …

When asked for comment, Kennedy wrote “absolutely no! merry christmas!” in a message to The Chronicle.

Kennedy, who applied to more than 20 American law schools, also sued multiple other institutions, including Harvard University, the Law School Admission Council and the Association of American Law Schools. In the now-dismissed lawsuit, Kennedy specifically named Duke University, the Duke Endowment and the Board of Trustees, as well as the president of the Duke Endowment and President Vincent Price.

The LSAT is based on ideology, not science, and is administered by radicals who “ignore our law, our history, our culture, ethics and probably all of western civilization law,” Kennedy wrote in his original complaint.

In his complaint, Kennedy argued that the defendants, including Duke, had “exceeded [their] jurisdiction by allowing [their] employees” to deny him from their law schools, which kept him in “constructive financial imprisonment.”

To add to the plethora of weirdness, Kennedy dedicated his lawsuit to the memory of former US First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

MORE: Duke rejects law school applicant for not taking the LSAT

MORE: Former student sues HS baseball coach for telling him to slide

IMAGE: everything possible /

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