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Iraq vet files discrimination suit over Wisconsin hiring practices

An ex-Wisconsin National Guard spokesperson filed a complaint Monday claiming the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs discriminated against him because he was an older white male.

Retired career army officer and Iraq veteran Lt. Col. Tim Donovan, 59, is alleging the DVA passed him over for a job in favor of a less-qualified female candidate with no military experience.

In Wisconsin, special consideration is given to qualified veterans who seek state or federal jobs, according to the state veteran hiring law. This includes disabled veterans or veterans who have served in active duty in a specified period of time.

Donovan finished a 10-month deployment in Iraq this spring.

The complaint accuses DVA Secretary Ken Black of resisting hiring older white men, apparently in favor of seeking a more diverse staff.

Black also faces legal troubles from another administrator who has filed a claim alleging Black and the DVA are firing “old, white men.”

Read the full story at the Badger Herald.

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