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Hundreds of ‘retirees’ at University of Wisc. never retired

The University of Wisconsin has a rule: If a retired staff member is rehired, they can only work for the school for one year. They’re not following the rule very well.

More than half of the 447 individuals rehired by the university have been working for more than one year. That means they’re both receiving a paycheck and a pension. Reports the Wisconsin State Journal:

Thirty-eight of them have been working for more than a decade as rehired annuitants, which means they earn both a paycheck and a pension. A handful stayed more than 15 years, and one technician has worked for the last 21 years at 60 percent of full-time, earning $34,975 a year in salary alone, the analysis found. […]

Top administrators who returned to work in their prior roles include: Al Fish, associate vice chancellor for facilities, who earns $148,256; John Harrod, physical plant director, who earns $137,975; Donald Miner, assistant vice chancellor for business services, $125,000; and David Musolf, secretary of the faculty, who earns $120,501.

According to the Department of Employee Trust Funds, 6,829 public employees retired then returned to work at a job covered by the state retirement system over the past 5½ years.

[Wisconsin State Journal]

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