Between 100-200 students at Egg Harbor Township High School (New Jersey) walked out of school yesterday in protest of the administration’s decision to suspend several students for making a profanity-laced rap video — much of it seemingly filmed at the school.
As reported by The Current, “[t]he video, filmed like a music video with the soundtrack of a profanity-filled rap song, begins with images of the outside of the school and then shows interior scenes of teens playing dice in a restroom, dancing, standing on desks and an altercation in a hallway.”
Comments on social media said the students associated with the video were suspended for 10 days. However, Interim Superintendent Donna Haye dispelled rumors that they were expelled and/or forbidden to attend the prom and graduation.
(Language warning):
The district put out a statement on Monday noting that “local law enforcement and the prosecutor’s office” had been notified, and that the district was conducting its own investigation.
According to a student who participated in the walkout, the administration gave students an “ultimatum” prior to the walkout.
“They had the option to go inside and have a discussion Thursday, Dec. 1 in the school auditorium or stay out and face consequences,” said senior Gianni Fiore. “The consequences were not specified.”
[Superintendent] Haye said she attended the walkout and said it was “very orderly.”
“All of the students returned to the building. The principal and vice principals acknowledged the students’ concerns and took note of them and are taking steps to address them,” she said. “Our main concern continues to be the safety and security of our students within the building.”
Fiore said the administration announced that a meeting would be held after school Thursday, Dec. 1 to discuss student rights, and that a large turnout is expected.
A Change.org petition was started for the accused students which asks if the video was actually filmed at the school and says “Most of these kids take honors and AP classes, the creator of the video is also involved with the National Honor Society. We believe these kids were treated harshly.”
It currently has over 760 signatures of a 1,000 signature goal.
One comment at the petition reads “This is opposing our hole freedom. We have rights too. Don’t effect our future over a small delema, worry about the bigger problems not a high school music video.”
Hmm … she may have a point.
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