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House Republicans introduce resolution to repeal Biden’s pro-transgender Title IX rewrite

Nearly 70 Congressional Republicans this week joined the battle to revoke the Biden administration’s recent decision to include gender identity as part of Title IX.

Under Biden’s interpretation, biological males who identify as women can legally access female bathrooms and must be addressed with their preferred pronouns.

“At least 65 House Republicans on Wednesday signed onto a disapproval resolution seeking to reverse the new rule, which they said conflicts with the original purpose of Title IX,” The Hill reported Thursday.

Many argue Biden’s Education Department also lacked the authority to rewrite the 52-year-old federal law to redefine sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The rule takes effect Aug. 1.

The legislation is spearheaded by Illinois Republican Rep. Mary Miller, who said in a news release her proposal seeks to “reverse the Biden administration’s Title IX rule, which allows men to enter women and girls’ private spaces.”

Prominent Republicans Virginia Foxx and Elise Stefanik, of North Carolina and New York, respectively, have thrown their weight behind the joint resolution.

Introduced under the Congressional Review Act, it seeks to “stamp out the Biden administration’s radical Title IX rule” and “is a much-needed prescription to safeguard opportunities for women and girls,” said Foxx, chair of the Education and the Workforce Committee, in a news release.

The legislation joins at least two major lawsuits filed against the Biden administration’s Title IX revise. The lawsuits are on behalf of more than a dozen states and half-dozen conservative groups.

Several Republican-controlled states have already passed laws banning biological men in women’s spaces, setting up a clash between federal and state statutes. Indeed, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders recently signed an executive order telling schools in her state to ignore Biden’s rewrite.

Texas has done the same.

“I am instructing the Texas Education Agency to ignore your illegal dictate,” Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wrote in an April 29 memo to Biden. “Your rewrite of Title IX not only exceeds your constitutional authority, but it also tramples laws that I signed to protect the integrity of women’s sports by prohibiting men from competing against female athletes.”

As The College Fix previously reported, while the Biden administration argued the rewrite does not make a final determination on transgender athletes, the 1,577-page rule mentions “athletics” 31 times, “sports” 10 times and “team” 111 times. The rule takes effect Aug. 1.

MORE: More conservative groups join legal battle against Biden’s ‘radical’ Title IX rewrite

IMAGE: Shutterstock

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.