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Historically Low Summer Employment Levels for American Teenagers

Teenagers looking for summer jobs face an extremely unforgiving job market. The unemployment rate among teens is 24.9%, the worst since World War II.

Some are worried about what this means:

“What I would ask people to think about is: Who gave you your first work experience? Almost every one of us had a break to get their first job, and that work experience is essential to get your second and third job,” said Larry Frank, Los Angeles deputy mayor of neighborhood and community services.

The summertime teenager hiring slump also holds implications for keeping kids out of trouble:

“If you’re a lower-income person, the income might be pretty valuable. If it does keep you out of trouble, that’s valuable because once young people are incarcerated, they are scarred for life,” said Harry Holzer, a professor at Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute.

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