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GW to fund full-rides for vets

Veterans who wish to pursue a graduate degree at the George Washington University will have their tuition covered because of increased contributions for the 2011-2012 academic year by Veterans Affairs.

With a boost of $10,000 provided in Veterans Affairs base funding, veterans pursuing graduate degrees from GW will be able to receive a maximum of $27,740 in tuition support starting fall 2012.

Established in 2008 with the enactment of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act — part of the GI Bill — the program increased educational benefits available to veterans who wish to pursue college degrees.

Recent changes to the act bring federal funding up from a maximum contribution of $7,100 in the 2010-2011 academic year.

Between monies from Veteran Affairs, the $5,120 contributed by GW and the additional VA match, graduate students will be able to receive a total of up to $27,740 in tuition support. The average Columbian College of Arts and Sciences graduate program tuition is $22,230.

GW’s contribution for graduate-level students will remain unchanged for the fall of 2012.

Read the full story at the GW Hatchet.

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