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GOProud leader LaSalvia promotes gay-friendly policy at Tufts

Jimmy LaSalvia, co-founder and executive director of conservative gay rights group GOProud, outlined his wish for a new “gay conservative agenda” in American politics Thursday at Tufts.

At a talk sponsored by Tufts Republicans, LaSalvia spoke to his conviction of a place for inclusive legislation in the conservative political sphere.

“I know that conservative policies are good for all Americans, and that includes gay Americans,” he said, citing GOProud’s take on gun control, foreign policy issues, health care, estate taxes, social security and gay marriage — each of which he tied back to their impact on the gay community.

LaSalvia said he was inspired to start GOProud following the 2004 election, in which he said 11 states passed legislation to add state constitutional amendments restricting marriage to heterosexual couples.

“I remembered thinking, ‘That’s not very conservative, to write social policy into the Constitution,'” LaSalvia said of the state legislation. “To me, that was the antithesis of conservatism.”

Read the full story at the Tufts Daily.

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