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Finding faith on and off the field at Stanford

“I in them and you in me–so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

Taken from John 17:23, that verse is the motto of one of the newest faith-based organizations on campus, Stanford United. Described as a “student-initiated, Christian-athlete fellowship group” on its Facebook page, Stanford United is the brainchild of Taylor Skaufel ’11, who started the group in spring quarter this last year.

Already a member of a Bible study group with the football team, Skaufel observed that there was a lot of demand for a similar organization among his fellow athletes, and he decided to act on that enthusiasm.

“I wanted to create something that you could come to if you had never been to Bible study before, if you just wanted to learn about Jesus,” he said.

Despite the relative abundance of faith-based organizations on campus, Skaufel said newcomers often find it difficult to approach the already tight-knit groups. That’s where he stepped in.

“Stanford United really got started because, for a lot of the Christian groups here, people felt uncomfortable going if they weren’t already a part of the group,” he said.

Read the full story at the Stanford Daily.

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