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Female athletes lost nearly 900 medals to men: UN report

A new UN report reveals physical advantages of men in women’s sports, calls for ‘sex screenings’ and female-only spaces

Female athletes have lost nearly 900 medals to trans-identifying men, a recent United Nations report reveals.

“[O]ver 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports,” the 24-page report titled “Violence against women and girls in sports” states.

The report, authored by United Nations Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalem, concludes that “males must not compete in the female categories of sport.”

It details how males competing against females is unsafe and unfair, stating:

Male athletes have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports, such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average range for females, even before puberty, thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity. Some sports federations mandate testosterone suppression for athletes in order to qualify for female categories in elite sports.

However, pharmaceutical testosterone suppression for genetically male athletes – irrespective of how they identify – will not eliminate the set of comparative performance advantages they have already acquired. This approach may not only harm the health of the athlete concerned, but it also fails to achieve its stated objective. Therefore, the testosterone levels deemed acceptable by any sporting body are, at best, not evidence-based, arbitrary and asymmetrically favour males.

Alsalem suggests that athletes undergo “non-invasive, confidential and simple sex screenings” to ensure fair competition.

She refers to an instance during the 2024 Paris Olympics in which “female boxers had to compete against two boxers whose sex as females was seriously contested, but the International Olympic Committee refused to carry out a sex screening.”

The author also states that female athletes “who object to the inclusion of men in their spaces…are silenced or forced to self censor.”

They have been labeled as bigots, suspended from teams, and subjected to restraining orders, expulsion, defamation, and biased disciplinary actions. In at least one instance, a female athlete was denied a fair hearing, Alsalem states.

She adds that the reaction to females advocating for safety and fairness in sports has violated “the fundamental human rights of female athletes to freedom of belief, opinion, and expression.”

The most recent controversy in women’s sports surrounds transgender volleyball player Blaire Fleming on San Jose State University’s women’s volleyball team.

A video showing Fleming spike a ball so hard it knocked another player to the ground circulated online this week, as previously reported by The College Fix.

Five schools have now forfeited to SJSU due to its male player.

MORE: College sports official still learning ‘science’ of trans athletes

IMAGE: YuriArcurs/Canva Pro

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About the Author
Gabrielle Temaat is an assistant editor at The College Fix. She holds a B.S. in economics from Barrett, the Honors College, at Arizona State University. She has years of editorial experience at the Daily Caller and various family policy councils. She also works as a tutor in all subjects and is deeply passionate about mentoring students.