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Famous black professor uses n-word in controversial speech to K-12 educators

Critics claim he also turned back-to-school event into political rally

Noted black professor and minister Michael Eric Dyson recently related a story to faculty and staff at a K-12 school year kick off event that included using the full n-word in a speech that also contained other profanity and delved into politics, prompting criticism.

Dyson told the Alabama-based Montgomery Public Schools audience on Aug. 6 that he gets hate mail “all the time […] hate mail from white brothers and sisters calling me n*****,” according to 1819 News.

“I say, ‘that’s DOCTOR N***** to you,” added Dyson (pictured).

Many in the audience, heard in the video (below), laughed at and applauded Dyson’s comments; however, the report notes “many expressed displeasure” that weren’t caught on the clip’s audio but later were noted on social media.

“What kind of crap was that at the system meeting this morning?” wrote one commenter. “The last speaker was racist! Talked about abortion, trump [sic] and white people!” Another wrote: “What happened today at the MPS convocation with the last speaker was embarrassing, hurtful, and it makes me want to transfer to another school district.”

The latter also noted the district handbook states staff “are not able to wear or promote a personal political agenda,” but the district “rally” did just that.

A Dyson supporter, however, wrote that “Black people have been feeling uncomfortable for YEARS” and that “uncomfortable situations create growth.”

“All [Dyson] said was for us not to let people like Trump create division amongst us,” the commenter said. “None of that should have been offensive.”

MORE: Coach of HBCU football program apologizes for recruiting white player who used n-word

District Superintendent Melvin Brown sent an emailed apology later in the day regarding Dyson’s remarks, stating in part: “Our commitment to fostering a supportive and respectful atmosphere is paramount, and I apologize for any discomfort or distress caused by this situation.”

In response to a College Fix inquiry about Dyson’s speaking fee, Montgomery Public Schools Senior Communication Officer Jade Jones said the professor “was a surprise guest” at the gathering and that “his appearance fee was arranged and paid for by provided donations.”

Jones said she didn’t have available the exact amount of Dyson’s fee, but would contact “the appropriate department.”

The College Fix could not find contact information for Dyson on any of his Vanderbilt faculty pages, but did ask him via direct message on X and his personal website about his fee for the MPS event. As yet there has been no response.

The Montgomery (Alabama) Public Schools are almost 80 percent black with over 55 percent “economically disadvantaged.” Less than 10 percent of district elementary and middle schoolers are proficient in mathematics, and less than 30 percent in reading.

While a professor at Georgetown University, Dyson taught a course titled “Sociology of Hip-Hop: Jay-Z,” and likened President Barack Obama to Jesus Christ. (He also said men loving Christ is “interestingly homoerotic.”) Dyson also blamed “Trump’s white racist America” for his grandson allegedly being called the n-word at school.

MORE: Univ. cancels black playwright’s play about civil rights movement because it uses n-word

IMAGE: Vanderbilt U.

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.