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‘F** you Boeing’: Anti-Israel Cornell activists end job fair

Activists allegedly shove cops – Cornell says ‘criminal charges’ may be coming

Pro-Palestinian activists disrupted a career fair and confronted representatives of Boeing on Wednesday.

“We will work, we will fight. No more jobs in genocide” and “F*** you Boeing,’” members of the Coalition for Mutual Liberation shouted before marching to the job fair, according to the campus newspaper.

“At around 2 p.m., protesters marched from Day Hall to The Statler Hotel, where the career fest took place,” The Cornell Daily Sun reported. “They banged drums, pots and pans and chanted ‘Free Palestine’ as they entered the building and confronted the companies.”

The group supports a divestment campaign against Boeing and another recruiter, L3 Harris. Divestment passed by popular vote in April, according to the student newspaper. It did not pass the student government in February, as previously reported by The College Fix.

“Protesters presented the Boeing recruitment table with a letter titled ‘People’s Court Indictment of War Crimes and Genocide,’ as well as a list of the Gaza death count for children under the age of one,” according to the student newspaper.

The letter accuses both defense contractor companies of having “blood” on their “hands.” “Genocide profiteers are not welcome here,” the letter states.

“You will find no peace at the people’s university,” the document states, along with alleged crimes the corporations are guilty of.

However, Boeing “did not acknowledge the letters.” The student newspaper also reported that most companies left the event earlier, after the protesters arrived.

No one was at the L3 table, according to the student newspaper.

The university criticized the protesters.

“This afternoon, members of the Coalition for Mutual Liberation disrupted a Career Fair in the Statler Hotel,” Vice President of University Relations Joel Malina stated in a news release.

He stated further:

Cornell Police officers were pushed and shoved. Guests of the university felt threatened. And students were denied their ability to experience the Career Fair. This behavior is unacceptable, a violation of university policy, and illegal.

Cornell Police are working to identify those who violated our policies, and students will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for immediate action including suspension.

Faculty and staff will be referred to Human Resources. These individuals will also be subject to potential criminal charges.

The Ivy League university asked for information on the perpetrators of the “shameful behavior.”

The Coalition for Mutual Liberation said it “successfully shut down” the fair. “Neither one of these genocidal companies should be recruiting on Cornell’s campus in the first place,” the group wrote on its Instagram.

MORE: Pro-Palestinian activists vandalize Pomona College president’s home

IMAGE: The Coalition for Mutual Liberation/Instagram

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Matt has previously worked at Students for Life of America, Students for Life Action and Turning Point USA. While in college, he wrote for The College Fix as well as his college newspaper, The Loyola Phoenix. He previously interned for government watchdog group Open the Books. He holds a B.A. from Loyola University-Chicago and an M.A. from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. He lives in northwest Indiana with his family.