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Drug Plague at the Naval Academy

The Washington Post reports that they’ve been having high times down at the Naval Academy:

Current and former midshipmen say synthetic marijuana appeared at the academy around March 2010 when a senior brought some to campus and began selling it to underclassmen. Any midshipman smoking synthetic marijuana risked expulsion — the Navy banned it that month — but its popularity continued to grow, they said.

“That was the one way that we knew that we could get that high,” said a former midshipman who was expelled from the class of 2012…

Navy investigators seized a sheet of notebook paper, later leaked to the Navy Times, that laid out an apparent plan for a synthetic marijuana ring. Handwritten notes listed 18 potential customers and designs for the off-campus party house to be outfitted with a lava lamp, big-screen TV, “stocked fridge,” dance floor, strobe lights and a “giant bong.”

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