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‘Disinformation’ expert law professor digs in deeper on Hunter Biden laptop

It remains unknown whether Russia was involved with the scheme’

Remember University of Michigan law professor Barb McQuade? She’s a regular “legal analyst” on MSNBC and was but one of many who supported the assertion that Hunter Biden’s laptop was, in her words, “Russia.”

Hilariously, she’s written a book titled “Attack from Within: How Disinformation Is Sabotaging America” the description of which reads “We are strategically being pushed apart by disinformation—the deliberate spreading of lies disguised as truth—and it comes at us from all sides.”

More hilariously, McQuade (pictured) told Rachel Maddow earlier this year that the United States’ “deep commitment” to the First Amendment means there needs to be “common sense” speech restrictions.

She also opined that Donald Trump could be tried for manslaughter for the January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol.

If you’ve been following Hunter Biden’s trial in Delaware you may have seen the “revelation” many already suspected: that the president’s son’s laptop is, and was, legit after all.

Here’s a quick reminder of what happened during the 2020 presidential campaign:

MORE: Be prepared to guffaw when government, media lecture about ‘disinformation’

Here’s how Professor McQuaid dealt with the news about the laptop’s authenticity:

As noted by @emptywheel, however, questions remain about the chain of custody of the laptop, and [FBI] Agent [Erika] Jensen testified that she was unable to say whether the laptop was tampered with before the FBI obtained it.

And, as @AshaRangappa has noted, even if the content was authentic, it still may have been a Russian influence operation, just like the DNC hack-and-leak operation, designed to sow discord. If so, mission accomplished! […] Therefore, it remains unknown whether Russia was involved with the scheme, and it is still correct to say that the laptop has “all of the hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation.”

Emphasis added. Absolutely amazing, is it not? And recall that Asha Rangappa, an analyst at CNN and former dean at Yale Law School, is the creep who doxxed a conservative journalist (and then bragged about it) after being asked about her (childish) tweets ripping Nikki Haley.

Meanwhile, Prof McQuade so far this week has been having a normal one, tweeting that Donald Trump “is using the disinformation tactics of history’s dictators” such as claiming January 6 “was a law enforcement ‘setup.’” She reminded readers that Trump had told supporters to “fight like hell” — as if no politician has ever used such a phrase.

And, with self awareness at level zero, McQuade posted that “defamation suits can have a powerful deterrent effect on disinformation.”

MORE: Univ. scholar wants licensing of journalists, gov. agency to monitor ‘misinformation’

IMAGE: Morning Joe/X

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.