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Did James Holmes Use Federal Grant Money To Buy Guns?

According to the Huffington Post, it is possible that James Holmes–who is responsible for the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado–used a federal grant from the National Institute of Health to purchase the weapons he used.

James Holmes may have used grant money from the National Institutes of Health to purchase the weapons he allegedly used to kill 12 people and injure 58 others.

Included in the purchases was an assault rifle bought immediately after Holmes failed an important oral exam, according to the New York Daily News.

Holmes, the 24-year-old suspected gunman in the “Dark Knight” Aurora, Colo. shooting, was the recipient of a prestigious national NIH Training Grant while he was pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the University of Colorado-Denver, according to school officials.

In an email to The Huffington Post, NIH explained the grant includes a “$21,600 stipend per year in 12 monthly installments to help defray living expenses while they pursue their academic research training experience.”

While this is interesting, it does not necessarily mean that the NIH acted irresponsibly in awarding the grant. The matter needs to be investigated–were there warning signs of mental disturbance?–but of all the reasons to oppose federal spending on research grants, the fact that one psychopath misused them is not a particularly strong one.

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