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Democrats hyperfocus get-out-the-vote efforts at colleges nationwide

Democrats are targeting college campuses bigtime with get-out-the-vote efforts as the November presidential election draws near.

Most recently they’ve launched a $500,000 ad campaign at 30 colleges across 11 states, Inside Higher Ed reported.

The Democratic National Committee is buying ad space on campus buses and kiosks stating “freedom is on the ballot” and “Democrats have your back” and directing students to IWillVote.com, the news outlet reported.

“The campaign will roll out in the seven presidential battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well as Florida, Iowa, New York and Ohio, where there are key congressional races,” it added.

The campaign underscores another to big effort to register voters at campuses in battle ground states considered highly supportive to Democrats — historically black colleges and universities and Hispanic-serving institutions, The Hill reported.

“The campaign includes kiosk ads and ‘I Will Vote’ posters across campuses in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania,” the news outlet reported.

““The DNC is taking every opportunity to reach students where they are and make sure they have all of the tools they need to vote this November on the issues that matter most to them,” Jaime Harrison, chair of the Democratic National Committee, told The Hill.

The DNC has also displayed flyover ads at college football games, most notably in Michigan and Pennsylvania, two key swing states, Roll Call reported; digital commitments will also “target college students in other key states, including Nevada and North Carolina.”

Some observers argue the college vote will be a key demographic for the Kamala Harris campaign.

“Students are going to vote Democratic on the whole, but they voted overwhelming Democratic last time (in 2022),” Michigan State University political scientist Matt Grossmann recently told the Detroit News. “I think that’s going to be a hard-to-match level when abortion was so salient as the No. 1 issue, not only on the ballot but in the governor’s race as well. I don’t know that that’s going to translate this time.”

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IMAGE: Maxim Elramsisy / Shutterstock

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.