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DADT repeal does not change Princeton's ROTC policy

Princeton University has not made any changes to its recognition of the campus ROTC program despite decisions by several of its peer institutions to reinstate official college-sponsored corps.

Several Ivy League universities have reconsidered their relationships to their ROTC programs in the wake of the December repeal of the U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. […]

Still, Princeton has stood by its 1972 agreement with the Army allowing the Princeton Army ROTC to operate as an outside organization not officially endorsed by the University.

Under the current agreement, Princeton’s Army ROTC has access to resources such as classrooms, an administrative office, office equipment and storage space, but it is considered an “outside organization” and thus has the status of an extracurricular activity.

Read the full story at the Daily Princetonian.

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