If you’re thinking about going into teaching, here’s an example of what not to do.
During a virtual communications class, Cypress College adjunct professor Faryha Salim argued with student Braden Ellis, who in a presentation (ironically, about cancel culture) referred to police officers as “heroes.”
According to The Daily Wire, Ellis brought up how anti-cop activists had wanted to cancel the kid’s show “Paw Patrol” because it portrayed officers in a positive light.
Following Ellis’s report, Salim used up most of the question-answer session to scold him.
“I mean, honestly … the issue is systemic,” Salim said. “Because the whole reason we have police departments in the first place, where does it stem from? What’s our history? Going back to what [another classmate] was talking about, what does it stem from? It stems from people in the south wanting to capture runaway slaves.”
MORE: Amherst College students stage walkout, call for police abolition
When a classmate said perhaps cops shouldn’t be on shows meant for children, Ellis reiterated his opinion that cops are “heroes.” Salim jumped in:
“All of them? A lot of police officers have committed atrocious crimes and have gotten away with it and have never been convicted of any of it. And I say [it] as a person that has family members who are police officers.”
When Ellis indicated that, of course, bad cops should be “brought to justice,” Salim interrupted with “They haven’t.”
Ellis ended up by asking “Who do we call when we’re in trouble and someone has a knife or a gun?” Salim replied with “I wouldn’t call the police. I don’t trust them. My life’s in more danger in their [presence]. I wouldn’t call anybody.”
Cypress College told the New York Post this was Salim’s first course at Cypress, and that she would be “taking a leave of absence” for the remainder of the semester. It also said the prof would not be coming back in the fall as was “her intention.”
UPDATE: The article has been updated with the professor’s name.
Read the Daily Wire and NY Post stories.
MORE: UMN student gov. exec urges peers to make bogus police calls – to ‘annoy the sh** out of them’
IMAGE: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.com
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