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Columbia group wants ‘eradication of Western civilization’

Warns of ‘fascism’ becoming ‘ingrained in American consciousness’

A pro-Palestinian group at Columbia University wants to see the “eradication of Western civilization.”

CUA Apartheid Divest made the statement yesterday on its Instagram page. The group said it backs student protesters in Bangladesh who recently toppled the sitting prime minister via violent protests.

The ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina “ends 15 years in power that has been marked by a stifling of civil freedoms and the heavy-handed use of security forces to crush dissent, critics and rights groups say,” CNN reported.

“Sheikh Hasina has been ousted by the people, but the revolution is not over! Long live the global intifada!” the group wrote on Instagram, along with the campus Bangladeshi student group.

An accompanying graphic also stated: “We stand in full solidarity with every movement for liberation in the Global South. Our Intifada is an internationalist one – we are fighting for nothing less than the liberation of all people.”

The graphic also stated that the group “seek[s] community and instruction from militants in the Global South,” as the “fascism ingrained in American consciousness becomes ever more explicit and irrefutable.”

The group previously took over Hamilton Hall on campus. They began referring to the building as “Hind’s Hall” “in honour of six-year-old Hind Rajab, who was killed alongside her family by Israeli forces in Gaza,” Al Jazeera reported in May.

The statement also referred to Israel as “the beast.”

“As we, the militants of Hind’s Hall, continue our fight for Palestine from within the belly of the beast, we draw inspiration not only from the Palestinian resistance but from every struggle for liberation across the globe,” the group wrote.

“The university went on lock-down after anti-Israel protesters took over [the] building in April, smashing windows, breaking through doors, and barricading themselves inside,” The College Fix previously reported.

Custodians were put in a dangerous situation and two janitors “had to fight their way out,” the union that represents those workers previously said.

The leader of a pro-Israel group on campus criticized the pro-Palestinian organization and the university.

“The Columbia I applied to was renowned for its world class core curriculum boasting the values and tradition of Western civilization,” Students Supporting Israel President Eden Yadegar wrote on X. “The Columbia I currently attend has become its antithesis.”

A pro-Israel professor who was barred from accessing parts of campus by pro-Palestinian activists criticized the university.

“The organization that is responsible for terrorizing Jewish and Israeli students on @Columbia’s campus for an entire academic year openly admits that their goal is ‘the total eradication of Western civilization,’” Columbia Professor Shai Davidai wrote on X.

“Will now something be done?”

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IMAGE: CUA Apartheid Divest/Instagram with College Fix edits

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Matt has previously worked at Students for Life of America, Students for Life Action and Turning Point USA. While in college, he wrote for The College Fix as well as his college newspaper, The Loyola Phoenix. He previously interned for government watchdog group Open the Books. He holds a B.A. from Loyola University-Chicago and an M.A. from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. He lives in northwest Indiana with his family.