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Colorado Can’t Keep Concealed Guns Off Campus, Court Rules

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that concealed weapons must be permitted on campus grounds at the University of Colorado:

Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled on Monday that students and others who have permits to carry concealed handguns must be allowed to bring them onto University of Colorado campuses. But the court avoided striking down the university’s blanket gun ban altogether.

The ruling, in a case brought by a group called Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, holds that the state legislature did not mean to exempt the university system from a 2003 law allowing permit holders “to carry a concealed handgun in all areas of the state,” with exceptions only for elementary and secondary schools and public buildings with security checkpoints. The court noted that the legislature could have included an exception for university campuses too but did not.

The university had argued that its 1994 policy banning all firearms was permissible because the Board of Regents is granted constitutional authority to set policies for its campuses. But the court said it had recognized exceptions to the board’s authority in prior cases.

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