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College OKs Pro-Obama Fliers, Tries to Ban Pro-Republican Ones

A Cape Fear Community College administrator told a Republican student she couldn’t post her fliers on campus, all the while “Obama For America” posters hung in plain sight all across campus.

The University of North Carolina Wilmington student was just on the junior college’s campus trying to promote an upcoming political event, but was told “CFCC does not allow political posters or fliers anywhere on campus.”

The story is summarized by Mike Adams in his latest Townhall.com column. Adams is a criminology professor at UNC Wilmington and author of “Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts ‘Womyn’ On Campus.”

He explains when the student called for his advice, he told her to bust out her smart phone and take pictures of any and all political fliers posted on the community college campus. There were plenty of Obama for America photos snapped, Adams states.

At the end of the day, he concludes, the young college Republican was allowed to post her fliers, and bigger lessons emerged; among them that “campus censorship, which began in the elite private schools and spread to the state universities, has now reached our community college campuses” and “administrators rely upon a combination of student apathy and student ignorance in their efforts to reduce intellectual diversity on campus.”

“There really is little wonder why some administrators at CFCC sought to keep OFA posters as the sole examples of political speech on campus. It really isn’t political speech. It’s just the way things ought to be. The OFA movement protects the administrative bureaucracy. The administrative bureaucracy protects the OFA movement. That is how these things move. Forward.”

Click here to read Adams’ entire column.

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