TFP Student Action has launched a petition against the Catholic University of San Diego for its recognition and defense of the campus group Law Students for Reproductive Justice, which has a heavy pro-abortion agenda.
John Ritchie, director of Student Action, explains the group, which has college chapters across the country, aims to increase access to abortion, contraception and sex education in concert with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and abortion providers.
Late-term abortionist Dr. LeRoy H. Carhart, for example, was a key-note speaker at the Law Students for Reproductive Justice’s 2013 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. In one of LiveAction’s undercover videos, Carhart explains how he kills unborn babies by lethal injection: “It’s like putting meat in a crock pot,” he said. …
After I expressed my concern about the LSRJ club’s pro-abortion presence at the Catholic University of San Diego, I received a troubling reply from Dr. Timothy L. O’Malley, vice-president of university relations. In short he attempted to justify the club’s existence: “The fostering of legal expertise in all aspects of the law is consistent with the educational objectives of the USD School of Law,” he wrote.
But the truth is this: abortion advocacy is never consistent with Catholic education.
Since the Law Students for Reproductive Justice promotes the culture of death, it seems quite disingenuous to justify their presence on a Catholic campus as a form of “legal expertise.” No club that promotes abortion should ever be given recognition by a Catholic university.
Remember, this is the same Catholic university that hosts an annual drag show.
CLICK HERE to read more about the petition.
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IMAGE: Lars Hammar/Flickr

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