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Cancel Culture Database

Cancel Culture Database

IncidentSchool NameDateTargetConfederate?Protested/Canceled?
Leftists plan to protest upcoming Christina Hoff Summers appearanceSuffolk University03/31/2018Guest SpeakerNoProtested
Protesters shout down Christina Hoff Sommers after student organizers refuse to disinvite herLewis and Clark Law School03/05/2018Guest SpeakerNoProtested
Vandals destroy flyers on Christina Hoff Sommers talk opposing trigger warnings, victimhood cultureColumbia University10/22/2016SignsNoProtested
Female student rips down flyers touting Christina Hoff Sommers’ ‘Where Feminism Went Wrong’ YAF speechCalifornia State University Los Angeles09/29/2016Guest SpeakerNoProtested
Christina Hoff Sommers accused of ‘hate speech,’ UCLA talk to be boycotted by someUCLA03/04/2015Guest SpeakerNoProtested
IncidentSchool NameDateTargetConfederate?Protested/Canceled?