At the beginning of 2019, The College Fix undertook a project to investigate campus “bias response teams,” which allow both students and professors to anonymously report one another to campus administrators to police a university’s “climate.” The Fix’s ongoing project has determined what exactly has been reported and whether such “bias” systems are an infringement on the free speech rights of campus residents.
The following is a cumulative list of the schools that have been investigated by The Fix.
University of Florida
Indiana University
University of Minnesota
Campus food service worker hit with bias complaint after saying ‘hello’ to student in Japanese
Michigan State University
Student files bias complaint against dorm roommate for watching Ben Shapiro video
University of Utah
Professor accused of ‘hostile learning environment’ for assigning male authors
North Carolina State University
Troll mocks campus anti-bias effort with complaint Warren’s Native American DNA claim was triggering
Portland State University
Making jokes at Portland State gets you reported to its bias response team
University of Oregon
Bias report filed against professor for defending Brett Kavanaugh
Virginia Tech
Off-campus road rage incident reported to university’s ‘Hate or Bias’ system
University of Illinois
At University of Illinois, 265 bias complaints enforced by literal ‘speech police’
Iowa State University
University of Northern Iowa
Student files bias complaint over university’s ‘Peanut Day’ event
Arizona State University
Veteran accuses instructor of marking grade down due to anti-military bias: report
University of Kentucky
Transgender joke in ‘Shrek: The Musical’ leads to bias complaint at University of Kentucky
University of Mississippi
Ole Miss student self-reports his own blackface photo, undergoes ‘restorative justice’
Louisiana State University
Column calling sorority girls ‘cattle’ sparks bias reports at LSU
Florida State University
Student files complaint against pro-life group, saying there’s too much free speech
Oregon State University
University investigates bias within its bias reporting system — and finds bias
The University of Virginia
Swim instructor reported for suggesting student wear tampon while swimming
The University of Michigan
Transgender activists file bias report against lesbian crafting group
Northern Illinois University
Northern Illinois U. professor reported for making ‘old white guy’ statements
Bowling Green
Bowling Green student files complaint against professor for criticizing Beyoncé project
Ohio State
Student files bias complaint after dry-erase message fails to refer to MLK as ‘doctor’
George Mason University
George Mason U. professor finds Bible, reports it to ‘bias’ hotline
Missouri State
Police called to respond to drawing of penis found at Missouri State U.
University of Illinois-Chicago
U. of Illinois-Chicago professor reported to school for urging student to turn assignment in on time
Professor reported to bias team for saying race relations have improved since the 1930s
University of Central Florida
UCF student reported to administration for calling old people ‘boomers’
University of Missouri
Professor accused of bias for teaching both sides of U.S.-Mexico border wall debate
University of Wisconsin-Madison
College Fix reporter talks campus bias reports in The Dispatch
UW-Madison liberals ‘physically sick’ and ‘hurt’ by Matt Walsh event
IMAGE: Shutterstock.com
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