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Biden ‘poses new threats’ to Catholic education, warns Cardinal Newman Society president

President Joe Biden’s agenda includes further threats to religious freedom and Catholic education, according to Patrick Reilly.

The president of the Cardinal Newman Society recently wrote about the emerging threats in an essay titled “The Biden Administration Poses New Threats to Catholic Education.”

“In just the first months of the Biden administration, Catholic educators have been confronted by serious threats to their freedom to teach and witness to the Catholic faith,” Reilly wrote in Crisis Magazine, a Catholic publication.

There are several ways the Biden Administration threatens Catholic education, Reilly said:

Catholics face radical attempts to erode protections for our schools, colleges, homeschooling, and all models of Catholic education to fulfill their mission to uphold the moral law and other Catholic teaching. In particular, the Biden administration seems determined to force Catholic schools and colleges—and all religious organizations—to embrace gender ideology [using the Equality Act] or close their doors.

The stakes are high. Reilly said:

The corruption and destruction of Catholic education is the big prize for those who oppose marriage and the family, because Catholic education teaches truth to the next generations. A resurgence of Catholic education would help renew Christianity and restore the philosophical foundation of Western culture, in direct opposition to the current tide.

He recommended Catholic schools and colleges look into resources provided by his organization, which seeks to defend faithful Catholic education, as well as other organizations, such as the Alliance Defending Freedom.

“The courts have generally shown respect for religious freedom,” Reilly said, after describing future threats from the Biden Administration.

However, “it is up to Catholic education leaders to defend their rights and ensure protection under the First Amendment by firmly grounding all policies in Catholic teaching.”

Read the essay.

IMAGE: Ron Adar/Shutterstock

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